React Native Stylesheet Cheat Sheet

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I've put together for you an entire visual cheatsheet of all of the concepts and skills you need to master React in 2020. But don't let the label 'cheatsheet' fool you. This is more than a mere summary of React's features. My aim here was to clearly and concisely put. Extended StyleSheets for React Native. React Native Extended StyleSheet A StyleSheet is an abstraction similar to CSS StyleSheets Drop-in replacement of React Native StyleSheet with media-queries, variables, dynamic themes, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other styling. For us, this made writing React Native stylesheets feel very familiar. But after we scratched the surface it became clear that styling in React Native is very different to styling on the web. In fact, rule names and flexbox are just about the only thing that CSS and React Native styles have in common. Formik is a simple React/React Native form library that helps with handling form state, input validation, formatting, error handling, form submission, amongst other things. Formik keeps everything simple under the hood using react state and pros making it easy to understand, integrate, debug, and test your forms.


This course teaches the fundamentals of cross-platform mobile application development with a focus on the React Native framework (RN). The goal is to help students develop best practices in creating apps for both iOS and Android by using Javascript and existing web + mobile development paradigms. Students will explore the unique aspects that made RN a primary tool for mobile development within Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Walmart, Tesla, and UberEats.

Course logistics

ApplicationThe course is limited to 20 students, who will be selected by application. The application is currently closed.
Date/TimeT/Th 1:30PM - 2:50PM
LocationEcon 139
Units2 Pass/Fail
InstructorsSantiago Gutierrez (
Abdallah Abuhashem (
Faculty SponsorJames Landay (
Office hoursAbdallah: Mon 12:00PM - 2:00PM at Forbes Cafe
Santiago: Thu 04:30PM - 06:30PM in Lathrop Library (Learning Hub / Tech Desk)
PrerequisitesAt least one of the following: CS142, CS193P, CS193A (or equivalent Web/Mobile development experience)
Explore coursesCS47SI


Week 1 (1/09 - 1/11)

Course logistics and basic overview of React Native.

Introduction to Javascript (ES6), JSX and Babel. We will be exploring the structure of a React Native app and creating an application from scratch.

Warmup Assignment: Setup

Week 2 (1/16 - 1/18)

Creating and styling interfaces using basic components. StyleSheet + Flexbox.

Creating and controlling components using State and Props.

Assignment 2: A Tender Attempt with RN

Week 3 (1/23 - 1/25)

We will be modifying our code from last class and introducing new components. ScrollView, TextInput, and Lists.

This class is divided into two parts! We will use and 'break' third party components.

Assignment 3: New York Times

Week 4 (1/30 - 2/1)

Overview of JS promises. Persistence of data using AsyncStorage and SQLite.

Different navigtors (Stack, Tab, Drawer) using React Navigation.

React import stylesheet

Week 5 (2/6 - 2/8)

Topics: history and development of RN, internal uses (Instagram), and state management via Redux.

Assignment 4: New York Times 2.0

We will be putting some navigation concepts to practice.

Week 6 (2/13 - 2/15)

Continuation from last lecture!

Week 7 (2/20 - 2/22)

We will use Firebase to build a chat room application. Part of advanced topics.

Discussion about React Native projects with Native code. Native modules.

Week 8 (2/27 - 3/1)

React js stylesheet
Final Project

Demo of Realm (local storage database) and animations.

Week 9 (3/6 - 3/8)

Demo of Realm (local storage database) and animations.

Charlie Cheever (CEO) talks about Expo+RN now and in the future.

Week 10 (3/13 - 3/15)


NOTE: you might need to be logged in to your Stanford account to access some content.

React Js Stylesheet

React js stylesheet

This course teaches the fundamentals of cross-platform mobile application development with a focus on the React Native framework (RN). The goal is to help students develop best practices in creating apps for both iOS and Android by using Javascript and existing web + mobile development paradigms. Students will explore the unique aspects that made RN a primary tool for mobile development within Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Walmart, Tesla, and UberEats.

Course logistics

ApplicationThe course is limited to 20 students, who will be selected by application. The application is currently closed.
Date/TimeT/Th 1:30PM - 2:50PM
LocationEcon 139
Units2 Pass/Fail
InstructorsSantiago Gutierrez (
Abdallah Abuhashem (
Faculty SponsorJames Landay (
Office hoursAbdallah: Mon 12:00PM - 2:00PM at Forbes Cafe
Santiago: Thu 04:30PM - 06:30PM in Lathrop Library (Learning Hub / Tech Desk)
PrerequisitesAt least one of the following: CS142, CS193P, CS193A (or equivalent Web/Mobile development experience)
Explore coursesCS47SI


Week 1 (1/09 - 1/11)

Course logistics and basic overview of React Native.

Introduction to Javascript (ES6), JSX and Babel. We will be exploring the structure of a React Native app and creating an application from scratch.

Warmup Assignment: Setup

Week 2 (1/16 - 1/18)

Creating and styling interfaces using basic components. StyleSheet + Flexbox.

Creating and controlling components using State and Props.

Assignment 2: A Tender Attempt with RN

Week 3 (1/23 - 1/25)

We will be modifying our code from last class and introducing new components. ScrollView, TextInput, and Lists.

This class is divided into two parts! We will use and 'break' third party components.

Assignment 3: New York Times

Week 4 (1/30 - 2/1)

Overview of JS promises. Persistence of data using AsyncStorage and SQLite.

Different navigtors (Stack, Tab, Drawer) using React Navigation.

Week 5 (2/6 - 2/8)

Topics: history and development of RN, internal uses (Instagram), and state management via Redux.

Assignment 4: New York Times 2.0

We will be putting some navigation concepts to practice.

Week 6 (2/13 - 2/15)

Continuation from last lecture!

Week 7 (2/20 - 2/22)

We will use Firebase to build a chat room application. Part of advanced topics.

Discussion about React Native projects with Native code. Native modules.

Week 8 (2/27 - 3/1)

Final Project

Demo of Realm (local storage database) and animations.

Week 9 (3/6 - 3/8)

Demo of Realm (local storage database) and animations.

Charlie Cheever (CEO) talks about Expo+RN now and in the future.

Week 10 (3/13 - 3/15)


NOTE: you might need to be logged in to your Stanford account to access some content.

React Js Stylesheet

React Hooks Cheat Sheet

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